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  • Writer's pictureKai McCollough

First we stand... next we run!

There is an old Chinese proverb that goes a little like this:

Learning is a treasure that will follow it’s owner everywhere.

At this moment as I craft this entry Cheese sits astutely, as still as the Sphinxes in the sands of Egypt. Her nose is thrust towards the balcony, ears perked and straining to hear the excited yapping and carrying on of the local coyote pack. They've found something- a rabbit or perhaps something larger. Cheese doesn't really bark per-say , she lets out three little woofles like clock work. Woof. Woof. Woof.

She cuts a fine figure on the bed, relaxed, yet her muscles rippling under sleek coat as she shifts. I feel blessed every time I look into the mirror, privileged to have been able to watch her grow in the months since she came home.

Cheese, or "little red" as she was dubbed has from her early days looked very promising. Her very first stack, sent to me by our breeder still makes my little heart leap. Even now, as we struggle a bit through the wonky tube sock stage. Honestly, growth spurts are the worst for both awkward teenagers as well as hot dog puppies! None the less I have and still believe every day in Cheeses' growth and maturity into what I hope to be the spitting image of her dam, Lucene's Black Pearl Treasure.

Social Media has been a learning experience of epic proportions for me, as truly there are bright shining lights and dark sucking black holes on facebook, instagram and twitter. I found my self criticized, attacked and belittled in facebook groups, as well as harassed privately by people who given a face to face conversation, I would pray behave better, I have also made a number of new friends and hopefully mentors.

I had the pleasure of working with an amazing handler locally who graciously took me under her wing to teach me the basics of stacking and grooming. I'm a bit of a sarcastic person when comfortable, yet a bit shy and wide eyes when I meet new people. Secretly I couldn't help but fangirl this lady's strong personality and no B.S attitude. She called a spade a spade and a mommies girl.. just that (Sorry Cheese!)

Most of all my new found friend helped me shake off the blah that had been put on me by the social media dog pile I inadvertently invited on my self when I shared my treasured pup. We only know what we only know, and being a complete novice was struggling to see if Cheese and I could hack it in the show ring. A few hours of patience on my new friends part and a lot of sponge like absorption of info on mine and I walked away feeling more confident.

As they say.. haters will be haters. And more importantly by and far most people are happy for you until they feel your success could eclipse theirs. So forget the haters and keep the people close who want to teach, mentor and see everyone succeed. This is how we create legacy and something to pass forward.

So while my stack still leaves something to be desired, its getting better day by day,

Nebraska here we come!

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